SCCM – deploy OS

First step in deploying Windows OS to users, you need to download the Windows version from Microsoft website. Download the ISO image to your local disk. After you got the ISO, right click on file and select Mount. The image will be mounted (any available letter, could be “D” or “E” or “F”) and you can browse thru the files inside the ISO. You need to extract the WIM file from the ISO. When browse thru the file inside ISO, go to SOURCES and look for the file named “install.wim”. Copy that file from the mounted ISO onto the SCCM share folder where you have all WIMs files (if is the first one, created a new folder inside the share and name it: WIM).

Inside the original WIM there many images: Enterprise, Pro, Education, etc. If you want to have only one image for you installation you need to extract that image using DISM commands. Open a command prompt as an Administrator and type:

DISM /export-image /SourceImageFile:”\sccm\sccm-app\wim\install.wim” /SourceIndex:3 /DestinationImageFile:”\sccm\sccm-app\wim\install_bussines_1903.wim” /Compress:max /CheckIntegrity

Now, after you got the right WIM file extracted we can start the process. Right click on Operating Systems Images and select Add Operating System Image.

Next page will ask for the path of the WIM file.

Click on Browse and then type the UNC path for the share with the WIM file. If the WIM file has many images you will see the Index with all the images. You can check the box “Extract a specific image index from the specified WIM file” and select the image. If is only one image it’s nothing to select. Next choose the architecture for the OS (x86 or x64) and click Next.

Select a name for the image and click Next.

Next page is the Summary with all the information you entered on previous steps. Click Next if everything looks OK.

After the image was added into SCCM we need to Distribute Content. Right click on the image and select the option “Distribute Content”.

Click Next, since there is nothing you can add/edit.

Last step in distribute content is to Add the “Distribution Point”. After is added click Next and you’ll see the summary page. Click next on that page and you’ll be done with this step.

In order to deploy OS images to computers you need to create a Task Sequence for the image created. With the Task Sequence you will tell the image what steps will need to do when installing Windows. Without a task, the image will load up and then exit because there are no instructions about what to do next.

Let’s start with creating the task for the new image that we just add. Right click on Task Sequences and select “Create Task Sequence”. With this version we’ve added also MDT Task Sequence (you’ll need to install MDT to add it here) and it’s similar to regular Task Sequence, but has more advanced options and paired with UDI Designer you can design the task frontend for a better and easy user experience.

Select the first option (for a new task): “Install an existing image package”

On the next page, click on Browse and select the boot image (x86 or x64) which is the boot load image, that will help you choose which OS you want to install. This is not the Windows image that you need to install, that you will choose on the next page.

The next page will give the option to choose the correct image that will be installed. If you have multiple images, make sure you select the correct image, otherwise you will install a different version when deploy it to users. Click on Browse and another window will open.

On the next window, select the correct version and click OK.

On the next page you have the option to choose if the new Windows will format the drive, add an admin password, add a product key and if you want BitLocker or not. Make your selection and click Next.

Next page give you the option to join a local workgroup or a domain. If you don’t have all the information about the domain you can join a domain later after the installation is done.

Next page “Install the Configuration Manager client” just leave it default and click Next.

Next page “Configure state migration” is useful for users that they already have an old Windows version and want to upgrade to the latest version. With this options you can save user settings and files and upgrade to the latest version. If is a new install, just un-check all the options and go the next page.

The next page is for Windows Updates. Will be a faster process if you choose not to install any updates and do the updates after the installation is done.

The next page give you the option to install software that is already available in SCCM (you need to install the software in advance, otherwise will not show up here). When you click on the “orange star” you will see the list with available applications, select what you want to install and click OK. Also, check the box “If an application installation fails, continue installing other applications in the list”. This way, if an application fails will not stop Windows installation.

Last page in Task Sequence is the Summary. Check everything before clicking on Next.

After the Task was created successfully you need to Deploy it. Right click on the name of the task and choose “Deploy”.

Next step is to choose which computers will receive this task. Since this is mostly for new computers we will choose “Unknown Computers”. Click on Collection -> Browse.

Select from the Device Collections -> All Unknown Computers.

At the next page, make sure the box is checked “Use default distribution point group associated to this collection” and click Next.

On the next page, the Purpose will need to be set: Available (not required) and Make available to the following: Only media and PXE.

The next page gives you the option to specify the schedule for the deployment. You can leave it default and click Next.

Next page is about user experience for the installation of this software. You can leave it default and click Next.

On the next page you can setup Alerts. Leave it default if no need for alerts and click Next.

Next page is about Distribution Points, if you want to download content locally when needed, just leave it default and click Next.

Last page is the Summary. If everything looks OK, click on Next to finish the deployment.

After the task is deployed you can check it by clicking on Deployments tab. You can see the Collections that the Task will run for, the Compliance and Purpose of the task.

After the Task is created and deployed, it’s the time to check what’s inside the task and change the options if something is wrong. Right click on the Task name and click Edit. You will see the Groups with separate steps for each Group. When right click on a step you have the option to: Cut, Copy, Delete,Move Up/Down.

When you click on a step and go to tab Options you will be able to Disable it or Continue on error. Also you can Add Conditions (the step will run only if will met the condition)

When you decide to Disable a step, that will change from Green to Grey. When the step is disabled the installation will skip that step.

If you need to Add a new Group or a new step inside a Group, click on the top tab “Add” and you have the option to add just a Group or a step (the are sorted by Categories/Types). To format a disk you go to: “Disks” and select the type “Format and Partition Disk”. On the Properties tab you have the options to select which disk you want to format and how the new disk volume will be (see “Volume”). You can change any of the options here (remove or add more)

If you need to move a step to another Group, you can do: right click and choose Up/Down or you can hold it with the mouse (left button) and drag it to the Group you want to move it. In this case I’ve moved the step “Restart in Windows PE” at the bottom of Setup OS group.