Create a Virtual Machine (VM) in Hyper-V
- First you need to open Hyper-V Manager. After you opened you will see if any VM are already created and running. To create a new VM, click on New (right upper side) and choose Virtual Machine.
- Next step you’ll need to choose a Name and if need it you can change the location where the VM will save all the files. After you choose the name and location, click Next.
- Next step, choose the generation of the VM. Generation 1 supports 32-bit and 64-bit guest OS. Generation 2 provides support for newer virtualization features and requires 64-bit guest OS.
- Next step will be choosing the memory. Startup memory is the memory will run when you start the VM. If you don’t check “Use Dynamic Memory”, then that will be the memory will run with the guest OS, unless you changed later. If you check the option for Dynamic Memory, the host will assign memory for the guest and can increase to the guest requirements. Click Next when you are done.
- Next step is to configure Networking. If you didn’t create a Virtual Network before then the only option by default is “Not Connected”. You can assign a network connection after the VM is created, or you can cancel this process and go back to the Hyper-V Manager and create a new Network. Click Next for the next step.
- The next step is for choosing the Virtual Hard Disk. You have the option to create a new drive (you’ll need a name/location/size), use an existing virtual drive or attach a virtual disk later. Make a choice and click Next.
- Next step is for OS option. You can choose to install the OS later. If you have a DVD with the image just choose the drive, or if you have an image “.iso” just Browse for the location of that file. You also have the option to install it from a network-based server, but for this option you need to be connected to a network (could be only a local connection to a local server that has the OS image). Click Next after making you choice.
- Last step is the Summary for all the choices you made. If something doesn’t look right, just click on Previous and go back. If looks OK then just click Finish.
- After the VM is created, right click on the name and from the menu choose Start (choose this only if you selected a Virtual Hard Drive and choose an image to install). After you start the VM, click on Connect and a new window will open with the new VM. If is a new install, you need to follow the steps and do the installation. If the OS is already installed then just login into the OS (you’ll need the user/password combination)
- If you need to make any changes to the new VM before starting choose Properties option from the menu. From that menu you can change everything with the VM, increase the memory, add a Virtual Drive, add a second Virtual Drive, add/change Virtual Network Adapter or change the location for the VM folder.