Installation of DHCP feature:
- Open Server Manager -> Manage (Top right corner) -> Add Roles and Features -> Role-based or feature-based installation -> Select the server from the pool -> Check the feature “DHCP Server” and click Next, then Install.

Configure the DHCP server:
- After the server was installed, go Tools -> DHCP and open the DHCP server.

- After is opened right click on DHCP and choose Add Server.

- Enter the name of the server and click OK.

- After the server is added to DHCP, click on the “>” to expand the options and it will open IPv4 and IPv6. Right click on IPv4 and choose New Scope. When the new window opens you need to choose a Name/Description for the Scope.

- After choose the name and click Next, the next step is to choose the IP range for DHCP, also need to choose the mask for the IP. For the mask change the “Length” and automatically will adjust the Subnet mask.

- Next step is to Add IP exclusions (this can be done after the DHCP is configured). If you need to use some IP for computers as a Static IP and don’t want the DHCP to manage those IP add those IP to the list (you will have a Start – End IP list).

- Next step: Lease Duration, by default is set to 8 days. You can leave it default and click Next.

- Next step is to Configure DHCP options (IP for the router, DNS servers and WINS settings). Choose “Yes, I want to configure these options now” and click Next.

- Next step, enter the IP for the router and click Add, then Next.

- Next step is for Domain Name and DNS servers. Type the Domain and IP address for DNS server and click on Add, then click Next.

- For the next step leave it default (no need for WINS server setup) and click Next.

- Next step is to activate the Scope. Choose “Yes, I want to activate this scope now” and click on Next.

- Last page with the Confirmation that the Scope is active and ready to use.

- After the Scope is created and active, you can see all the options by expanding the options, click on “>” for expand it.

- Click on Address Pool and you will see the IP range for you DHCP server.

- Right click on Address Pool and choose “New Exclusion Range” if you didn’t choose it when was setup. Add IP range for exclusion and click Add.

- After is added you will see the IP Exclusion with the Address Pool. If you don’t need the Exclusion list anymore, right click on the list and choose Delete.

- Address Leases will show you the IP that are already used by computers.

- With the IP Leases, right click on any IP and you can: Delete, Add to Reservation IP list or Allow/Deny.

- If you need to change the IP range for the scope, right click on the Scope and select Properties. Make the changes and click Apply.

- If you need to delete the scope, for any reason, right click on the Scope and choose Delete. The window will tell you the Scope is active. Click Yes and it will delete the Scope. The IP that where in that scope will stop working. You need to start over if you need to use those IP again.